Sunday, April 22, 2007


My stomach lurched with the horror of it all.I still couldn't believe that I was in my parents house in KL and not in my house in Man'c and it's already a year plus since I'm back home.I felt that I must have been out of my mind to have left Man'c just because of him.Had I gone completely mad??I had to go back!

How had I ended up here?It's all because of love.I love him..I left KL last time because of him and I left Man'c now again because of him.All because of him.

I know what you're thinking...and you're right.I'm mad and stupid.

How much is my love?...

If my arm had fallen off I wouldn't have said,'Oh let it be for the moment.It'll come back if it's mean to be.No point in forcing it.It might only drive away'.After all it was my arm and he's much more a part of me than any old arm.

That's how much I love him.Stupid?Again you're right.I'm a 100% stupid mad cow.Blind by love...At the end what did i got?NOTHING!!Just wasting my time...9 years!!...Arghhhh...

Maybe it's my fault.I'm not good enough for him.I'm not as pretty as her or skinny like her.It just remind me's not maybe,it's my fault!He love to look at young skinny cute girl every time we go out and he loves to compared me with them.Why I'm not dress like them,walk like them,talk like them or anything like them..And you know what?I just take it all,take everything in..and start blaming me for being me..Ugly fat cow..but do nothing!How stupid is that?....I thought it's just a talk..nothing more..

I was crazy if I think that I could have got him back just because I wanted him back.I must have been out of my mind to have thought that I could just ignore the fact that he was with other women.He had left me for God's sake.He had told me that he loved someone else!

How could he...

My feet started to get cold.I felt that I would never be able to sleep again.The pain of the lost I was feeling was to great to let me sleep.And I desperately wanted to sleep.Anything to stop this feeling..

Aargggghhhhh!!!!! Why??? Why?????

p/s..Sorry I just cant stand it anymore..I hate this feeling..I just want my life back!


jaketbiru said...

hmmmm... u are not stupid.. he does.. dia yang bodoh.. i didnt know him, but surely if after 9 years he didnt see how cantik u are.. i supported your stand to leave himm... 100%.. jangan kesal nuts.. i am sure he is not good enough for u..

p/s kejadian tuhan semuanya cantik.. hanya orang yang tak mengerti mengatakan ianya tidak indah..

ayang_mas said...

alaa...jgn la cedih gitu....nnt ayg nangis xder sapa lak nak poluk2...

Sunan_Jati said...

Hi.. mat kool... come on.. sing it one more time pls....
mat kool... heheheh...

HAHHAHAHAHAH.,.. sj jer singgah...

Izariza said...

Antara perkara-perkara yang menjadi ketetapan Allah di Luh Mahfudz adalah berkaitan soal ajal, rezeki dan juga jodoh.

Allah itu Maha Bijaksana dan mengetahui lebih dari segala makhluk-Nya. Perancangan Allah tiada satupun yang cacat atau tidak sempurna. Tentunya lelaki itu bukan yang sebaiknya untuk kamu, justeru dipisahkan jua meski sekian lama bersama.

Duduk sendiri, cuba kau renung dan masuk ke dalam diri. Dan di situ, tentu kau kan temui jawapannya :)

Allah itu sebaik-baik pemberi pertolongan, yakinlah.

Senyum sikitttt...
Mat kool mat kol kawanku! :D

13may said...


datang menghulur tisu.....


Anonymous said...

sedih aku dengar citer ko nuts...sabo jer lah.....


Nuts@Kacc said...


terima kasih atas sokongan kalian..amat2 menghargainya...(kesatt ingus sat ngan tisu yg 13may kasi sambil plok2 ayang)..

sunan_jati and 13May,..

selamat datang ke teratak buruk hamba..

ok..mari kita bergumbira semua,..

"mat kool mat kool kawan ku,..mari kita ikut mat kool,..main main selalu,..syoknya syoknya ada mat kool..MMMAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KOOL"....

jaketbiru said...

errrr... tilam vono ada tak kacc???

ko jual tilam kan?? kan??

tilammm,,, tilammm..

13may said...

updet plsss!!!


Anonymous said...

wake up nutt!! wake up!!!..hidup ini belum sampai kepenghujungnya.... Andaikan saja dia sehelai kain buruk...keronyokkann dan campakkan saja ke atau kemana saja mahumu..benda yg tidak berharga tidak perlu disimpan selama²nyaa....

ayang_mas said...

kemik la ayg kalo slalu kena poluk.....arrrgghhhhh!!!!

Bunga Rampai said...


Ada yang lebih baik untukmu. Yakinlah. DIA maha mengetahui.

Izariza said...

hapdet! hapdet!

nanies said...

salam kacc..sedey citer ko ek..wakakkak..aku pun actually ada gak terpikir nak wat cam yg ko wat nie..tapi destinasi aku australia..wakakka..tah kenapa sampai skerng aku masih ter pk pasal benda nie...aku pk kalau dah tak ada ape tuk aku kat sini aku nak pergi jauh...jauh....aku rasa satu ari nanti aku pasti wat benda nie..tapi tak tahu bila...apa strong gal...

Anonymous said...

satu hal yg menyedihkan dalam idup,ketika bertemu dgn seseorng yg sgt bererti bg kita tetapi akhirnya seseorng tersebut tidak ditakdirkan untuk bersama kita sehinggakan kita dengan berat hati membiarkannya pergi dan berlalu...

setiap yg berlaku ader himah dan kebaikannya..someone somewhere will be waiting for you..

camner berat n payah pun ko kene kuat k lia...

arZOoo said...

ermmm...sabo ek lia...setiap apa yg jadik mesti ader hikmah nyer n dah tentu yg jadik tuh yang terbaik untuk ko sebenarnye..